Not much happened today. I continued my research and found some interesting facts. According to a piece I read on The Guardian, the websites that are being targeted are mostly gay and fem-dom (websites that have BSDM porn where the woman is dominant and man the submissive or "slave"). Which for me made this more sexist than I thought, and according to another piece the BSDM or heavy sexy content is mostly paid, so how does that fit into the "protect the children" scheme? I mean, I know kids can get credit cards from their parents and use it, but it's unlikely they'll go straight to BSDM, unless they already have it them. The thing is, again, most of the banned content are related to the pleasure of women, even in activities that women are the dominant. There must be some other reason behind it. And moreover, if they want to protect kids from violent sex, what about violent video games? or tv shows or films? Shouldn't they be banned as well? 

So, I did more research and I came up with a couple of isolated ideas for my shoot. I know I want to focus on the idea of women not being properly represented into porn and suffering with this law. So, I'm putting them together before I say something in here, otherwise will only look as lost ideas.