The day of the shoot. Everything was ready to go, I confirmed with the photographer the day before, the models confirmed, got the outfit, the shoes, the jewellery, I documented everything and it was ready to go...until I went to university and everything blew up in my face. The lights I booked the day before the guy said I needed some "risk assessment" from a tutor, my photographer never showed up or answered the phone and also my second model. It took me around 2 to 3 hours to get the risk assessment and when I finally managed to get it, I went home with one model, and there were no power cable at all. So I couldn't use the light. It was one of those days when Murphy's law was working on the highest mode:"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong in the worse way possible".So I had to improvise and use lamps I had around the house -  something that gave my photos a massive white circle which was not good at all. 

So with one model I had to change the whole story and instead of a murder scene, a murder choosing her weapons, a murder and a dead body. Three photos, three different things. 

In the end, I put the blue skirt to contrast with the shoes and give a detail of colour. What it turned out was not the best choice in the end. The teachers didn't like my photos (the ones who helped me yes and gave me good criticism) and I didn't get a place at Ravensbourne at this point. It was sad for me because my research and the build up of the concept I believe it was good, at least it was related to the idea. But everything went wrong in the end. Maybe it was for the best, who knows? I learned a lot with my mistakes that week and at least I learned a lot with Bourdin and his work. That's worth it.