Deconstruct pt. 3: THE PHOTO SHOOT

I managed to do a photoshoot with one of the designers, the theme was jungle and cavemen as opposite with the city and the "concrete jungle". The model's got pink hair to contrast the idea of cavemen and the modern society and modern days. The clothes were all made of fur and jeans. 

Deconstruct project pt. 2

I would like to say that this project was my worse project so far this term. First it started with the idea that at first sounded brilliant: create our own magazine to put our features in it. The planning of the the magazine was productive, the deadline, the features, who was going to write what, everything was going according to planned. Until It was not anymore. On Monday, on our second week I realised we would had time to finish as planned. The features were done, but the interviews were not and the website wasn't ready as well. Our struggle was trying to create too much in too little time. We decide to split and get our on magazine and write the features separately. My idea was to write to business of fashion, an online publication that I always liked and talks about the business side of fashion instead of a more "trend" or people from fashion. It was about the industry. I started my research about the magazine, the creator and the style of writing. But I didn't have much time, 3 days was not enough. I struggle with finding a theme to write about, I struggled with my desire to still use my previous research into their style, it was possible but I didn't know the right way of doing it and time was running out. The day before our deadline, someone gave me the idea of submitting the magazine but the planning and not the actual thing, because I had the planning, but not the final thing. I spoke with my colleague about it, because since we started research together we could do it and move things quicker. But that didn't happen, there were no communication between us and I saw myself trying to finish everything on time, it didn't happen. As a result, I went to Ravensbourne that day, planning to finish everything on time for the presentation, I didn't have everything, my sketchbook was incomplete and my "partner" was "supposedly sick". I couldn't present anything, I felt really bad but I left before the presentation and I couldn't show that I didn't have anything to present, it would be shameful and with good reason. I finished my boards and my feature and put it into my sketchbook. I learned that I should plan better my steps, check time and my team. Next time I won't make those mistakes again. 

Deconstruct - Reconstruct

For this week we have a talk about Deconstruct - Reconstruct and the promotion students are suppose to write a piece for an existing magazine, create 5 collages and optionally create a photoshoot. 

One of my classmates suggested me that we team up and create a new magazine together. An online magazine and write more than one feature about the subject related to deconstruction, deconstruction, green fashion, etc. One main struggle was time and a big list of possible features to cover. We reduced a list of 12 features for 3, everything would be shared and we would interview people that works for charity and vintage shops. Questioning about vintage consumerism and why do people go there instead of shopping at high street shops. 

The idea was to create something to focus on another segment of costumers and market that is actually big and makes as money as high street but no one seems to pay much attention, except for bloggers, maybe. 

Another topic that we were planning to talk about is eco-friendly fashion and the measures that are being taken to achieve this. 

Comme des Garçons Pt.

On our final day, we prepared a different type of presentation. We wanted to make people uncomfortable and  wondering about what was going to happen. We wanted them to be confused. So, instead of a PowerPoint presentation we opted  for a video with the images of our development and final work. The video was going to show how did we come up with the concept and how we worked throughout the whole project. Our sketches, concept boards, initial garments and experimentations for the shoot. Things we discussed and everything else related to the project.

Only sounds and a poem - created by one of the members of the group, the images would flick and change as we developed the project. We walked in, wearing fabric masks and went to the back of the audience and sat on the floor. We didn't say a word the entire time, the idea was centre on the video, it was suppose to say it all. We were sitting down to resemble the homeless people on our initial idea. It was interesting to see people's reaction to it, they were confused and intrigued. Exactly what we were totally looking for. 

In the end, it was nice to work with this group, we had a our moments of disagreement which I think it's natural among strong-minded people, but we managed to sort it out. It was a learning experience for me, I understood the need for doing a critical research but also to explore creativity and try to be more out there. I'm not so sure if we're going to be friends in the end, but at least we got the job done. There were no weak link, we all worked hard.

For our shoot, we found a good brick wall near Ravensbourne, we got our model and two designers were there to help me control the outfit, which was quite complicated. The garment is very restrictive so the model couldn't move a lot, which was perfect because her movements matched what we were looking for. Structured and a bit stiff. 

 In the end, during the editing process, I realised the head would be better if kept instead of putting effects on it. The colour of the effects were a distraction and it was "fighting" the garment. A more "neutral" approach was used on them. 


Second and final week of the Comme des Garçon project. As a group we are much more comfortable with each other and that is reflecting on our work. Every single one of us is doing something to make it happen. Our garments are already done, our video is on the process of being done and the shoot will be done tomorrow. There are still of attempts to put the nose into each other's business, but it's more fluid and constructive than before. 

Today was really important for the development of our group, we had a meeting to discuss the final touches of the project and what needs to be done. Everybody was truly involved and participating (and no external distractions this time). We realised that even though the brand is really conceptual and nothing really make sense, in the end it does all the pieces fit perfectly.

And that is the whole idea that is put to use at Comme, Rei Kawakubo believes that everything is linked - the design, the marketing and even the stores - are part of one idea and should be developed as such. That's how we did our project, we had our on ideas but all the time going back to the group and discussing the best methods. 

Comme des Garçon.

For our Unit 5: Integrated Art & Design Research, Ideas and Methods we had to pick one designer out of a list of 7. My first pick was Comme des Garçon and second Jil Sanders. Completely different approaches, but two brands that I admire for different reasons. Comme des Garçon is innovative and extremely "out there" as opposite to Jil Sanders which style is quite minimalistic and simple. But in the end, I ended up doing the promotion part of Comme des Garçon alongside another classmate. I like Comme, it's an interesting brand to work with, because you have freedom to play around with everything. It's very conceptual and the crazier the better, which worried me a bit at the beginning. About how far is too far? I believe that there is a point you can lose perspective if you go too overboard. And that was something I was worried about. My group was really good, creative, willing to try crazy concepts and we worked good together. At the beginning I really felt the group was going all over the place and nowhere at the same time. Too much creativity and no so much of focus. The ideas were brilliant, but once they were spoken they were easily forgotten and replaced by the next. Which in a way is a good thing, it means we were working and putting our minds into it, but, on the other hand made it difficult to follow one path and stick with it. 

We ended up following a path that at first seemed very obvious and traditional, but we took a different turn. After reading the poem we were given, we came up with the concept of profanity, which is obvious if you relate to religion, freedom, gypsies, etc. So instead, we came up with the concept that "profane" is everything that is not traditional and it's outside the "normal form". So from that point we started looking into the sense of community and freedom, because if you're outside the "norm" you are "free" to be something else. Which is a bit what Comme des Garçon is all about. We divided the tasks and I felt a little bit that the group was lacking research on the brand by only focusing on the theme. So I did my own research and passed on to the group. We saw that some aspects of the brand linked with our theme, like making creating something outside the box and the do-it-yourself. 

I'm responsible for doing the photoshoot and to be honest, everybody had something to say about it. That made me feel annoyed because I was trying to create something and developed, but the group - and other classmates - were constantly disturbing the peace. I felt they were diminishing the photoshoot and focusing only on the movie. The concept of the shoot was a simple lookbook but instead a white wall, a brick wall and the model wouldn't have a head. We would take the head off and put elements related to the theme, like a bird head, feathers and coloured smoke. I learned with this project how to fight my corner and defend my opinions, our group can sometimes try to eat each other's opinion. 

We had to discuss and brainstorm about the two quotes and create a mood board about it, then create the mood board for the brand and for our future ideas. We managed to do it as a group, nobody worked alone. I believe our group is quite strong and balanced, we have the ultra creative members with the more "traditional" members. And we shared all the responsibilities so nobody was left empty-handed. 

For me, personally, at first I had my doubts about the group. I think everybody is really good and we were testing each other and seeing what the other were doing it, we work good together even though sometimes we can quite not understand what the others are doing and I don't think we were 100% comfortable with each other and listening to what the other had to say. But let's see how this goes.